Industrial Planning - Capital Projects Construction Reviews
Constructability Reviews: The importance of planned construction reviews are essential to the reduction and elimination of RFI's, PCN's, cost overruns, unsafe acts and conditions. The earlier in the project the reviews start, the more the savings will be. See the sample illustration below
Multiple Reviews throughout the Project Life Cycle are critical to savings.
Reviews at various stages of your projects by our team of construction professionals will enhance project savings.
Our construction personal will in collaboration review engineered drawings. Working with the owners and project leaders will improve quality returns in the field and your bottom line.
As an example construction input at the Idea Stage and scoping study actually sets the stage for later reviews and team collaboration.
Multiple Constructability reviews between Conceptual Planning and IFC - Issued for Construction stage have proven effective in Cost Savings though reduced manpower, materials, onsite fabrications, downtime, equipment, rentals, unsafe acts and conditions to name a few.

Constructability Review - Outage
Example of an Outage Addition - Constructability Reviews are essential to construction. The left image is an example of a review during an emergency outage. This form can come from the owners standards, maybe be one of several, easily pulled for construction purposes. Others can be made with adjusted cost column's and ISO drawing rows. We suggest having 10 different versions for the construction professional to pull from. As an example there can there can be 3 for each phase of a project and 10 for regular construction activities like the one posted. Once made, we will give them numbers association to Standards sequencing and part of the QMS.
These can be easily filled out in the field at the location of the proposed work area. Uploaded into the system for communication and historical data.
Scoping Study Walk-Down
The Constructability Review completed by the construction professional, alone or with a group or team. The image on the left is an short form, shorter version of a longer form that can be used by construction professional. The picture inlet supplied by engineering and inputted via software and sent to construction for site feedback. The form can be filled out online or live at location via hand or tablet.
The forms is suggested to be part of the QMS . Although this one is general in nature, the QMS Manual would be created in divisions such as mechanical, electrical, Civil, etc.. Each division will have its own breakdown as suggested in other pages on this site. We can develop these for the client and support all construction activities as need, this includes training in use.
The forms can be developed by us for any client. It is noted that each industry is different by culture, location and construction experience.
We are Construction Professionals here to serve the owners in Capital Industrial Construction
Early Detailed Design Construction Review We will Make it Happen!